RISC-V VHDL: System-on-Chip  2.0


This UART implementation can be additionally configured using the following generic parameters.

Name Default Description
irqx 0 Interrupt pin index This value is used only as argument in output Plug'n'Play configuration.
fifosz16 FIFO size. Size of the Tx and Rx FIFOs in bytes.

UART registers mapping

UART acts like a slave AMBA AXI4 device that is directly mapped into physical memory. Default address location for our implementation is defined by 0x80001000. Memory size is 4 KB.

Control Status register (0x000).
Bits TypeReset Field NameBits Description
16 RW 16h'0 Reserved 31:16 Reserved.
1 RW 1b'0 parity_bit 15 Enable parity checking. Serial port setting setup by SW.
1 RW 1b'0 tx_irq_ena 14 Enable Tx Interrupt. Generate interrupt when number of symbol in output FIFO less than defined in Tx Threshold register.
1 RW 1b'0 rx_irq_ena 13 Enable Rx Interrupt. Generate interrupt when number of available for reading symbol greater or equalt Rx Threshold register.
3 RW 3h'0 Reserved 12:10 Reserved.
1 RO 1b'0 err_stopbit 9 Stop Bit Error. This bit is set when the Stoping Bit has the wrnog value.
1 RO 1b'0 err_parity 8 Parity Error. This bit is set when the Parity error occurs. Will be automatically cleared by next received symbol if the parity OK.
2 RW 2h'0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved.
1 RO 1b'1 rx_fifo_empty 5 Receive FIFO is Empty.
1 RO 1b'0 rx_fifo_fifo 4 Receive FIFO is Full.
2 RW 2h'0 Reserved 3:2 Reserved.
1 RO 1b'1 tx_fifo_empty 1 Transmit FIFO is Empty.
1 RO 1'b0 tx_fifo_full 0 Transmit FIFO is Full.
Scaler register (0x004).
Bits TypeReset Field NameBits Description
32 RW 32h'0 scaler 31:16 Scale threshold. This register value is used to transform System Bus clock into port baudrate.
Data register (0x010).
Bits TypeReset Field NameBits Description
24 RW 28h'0 Reserved 31:8 Reserved.
8 RW 8h'0 data 7:0 Data. Access to Tx/Rx FIFO data. Writing into this register put data into Tx FIFO. Reading is accomplished from Rx FIFO.